SUPERMAN ACTION COMICS #21 “HYBRID PART 3: MORE THAN HUMAN.” Whether you’ve been following the new 52 action comic’s, or you’re just a fan of Superman in general then this is really not one you wanna...
View ArticleLOBSTER JOHNSON #13.
LOBSTER JOHNSON #13. “SATAN SMELLS A RAT”. Published by dark horse, this is another spin-off “from the pages of Hellboy” by Mike Mignola, John Arcudi and Kevin Nowlan. Johnson is a Batman style...
View ArticleKICK ASS 3 #1!
KICK ASS 3 #1! “EVIL PREV”. Now I was getting excited about this before It even came through the letterbox, BIG thanks to A place in space for this one! And there’s a lot to be excited about. Obviously...
“OCCUPY COMICS #1″. some of the biggest names in the comic-book world have come together to produce this collective of stories all based on, and for the occupy movement. I had to do a little research...
THOR, THE DARK WORLD: 1 OF 2. (LIMITED SERIES) PRELUDE. If you love the recent marvel films, which most of us do! And you are looking forward to seeing THE DARK WORLD which is coming out in cinemas...
View ArticleUBER #2.
UBER #2. What do you get when you cross a Nazi with super-human powers? The answer is “UBER“. As you can probably gather, this is a comic full of war and horror, with maybe a little bit of controversy...
ULTIMATE COMICS: WOLVERINE (LEGACIES) #4. Set after the death of Logan at the hands of Magneto, this series is based on Jimmy Hudson -Logan’s son-, and he is out to find out the secrets of his past… To...
View ArticleVIBE #4.
JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA’S “VIBE” #4. “ILLUSIONS AND DISILLUSIONS”. If you haven’t already figured it out for yourself, this is much more than just a spin-off comic… Like any of the new 52′s to date,...
View ArticleJUSTICE LEAGUE #20.
JUSTICE LEAGUE #20 “DESPERO’S REVENGE!” This much anticipated issue is another all important piece in the current DC puzzle. Previously an unknown stealthy ninja-like intruder got into the batcave,...
View ArticleDid the Thought Bubble burst?
This is one of those conventions on the calendar that everyone seems to eagerly anticipate. As a festival it sits in a reasonably unique niche, somehow managing to attract the big names and bring in...
CCTVYLLE is inspired by a dream that its creator, Gianluca Bonomo had a few years ago. As we too, venture into an unsettling version of reality, we are introduced to this exciting new comic with a...
View ArticleLSCC 2015 serves more of the same
Now entering its fourth year, the London Super Comic Convention is, for many true comic fans, the ‘go-to’ convention on the calendar. Often pitched against the smaller but more indie-friendly Thought...
View ArticleThe Birmingham Comics Festival delivers
It’s a difficult world now, that of convention organising, and it takes a brave person to invest the time and effort needed to get one off the ground. Birmingham has been a quiet comics stronghold for...
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