Now I was getting excited about this before It even came through the letterbox, BIG thanks to A place in space for this one! And there’s a lot to be excited about. Obviously there’s a lot of anticipation surrounding it since the 1st movie, and leading up to the 2nd film, now is the ideal time to strike with the release of the 3rd and final story arc!
Hit-girl got banged up at the end of KA2, and this series begins with her capture, along with a letter left for kick-ass with instructions on how to break her out of jail! But kick-ass and his new gang of real-life super’s “Justice-Forever”, get too overwhelmed by the whole idea last minute in a very humorous and Mark Millar-ish fashion -in the words of Hit-girl; “you bunch of god-damn pussies!”-. There is a scene that is reminiscent of kick-ass’s dads murder, as he stands head bowed down, by his fathers grave in the snow, ass-kicker jokes about how he looks “awesome” and “like a young Bruce Wayne”… all very funny but maybe a little over-done when he starts to exploit his loss just to get a cool pic’ of himself posing by the grave. Generally though there are some real LOL moments, and things in the script that remind us of moments in life we would have other-wise forgotten all about if it wasn’t for KICK-ASS! There are some great moments where the characters are debating and discussing movie characters, and there is a very funny and memorable reference to spider-man in there too. This is all thanks to Mark Millar, who is easily one of the most contemporary and intelligent comic-book writers of our time. The “Irvine Welsh” of the comic-book world. This issue is pretty much laugh after laugh and Millar keeping things as real as ever.
The art is good over-all, I really like the way these comics are drawn and inked as they are not too bright but not too dark and sombre either, keeping in with the whole “realism” that KICK-ASS stands for but still achieving the classic-cartoon look. The inks/colours are beautifully placed and they really do express Millar’s vision in a way that i’m sure he’s proud of. They do make a legendary team-up! Kick-ass in his bright green and yellow costume is still the stand-out part of the series, as is the odd splash of hit-girl’s signature purple in the pages of this opening issue. The lettering is thoughtful and ties in nicely with the over-all look of the comic. The cover seems completely un-related to the contents of #1, but it is bloody brilliant nonetheless! With kick-ass ready to dish out justice and splattered with blood, all the colours used help to make the art-work POP right off the page! Very enjoyable indeed, I would recommend this to any Millar fan, no… to any COMIC-BOOK fan out there, in a heart-beat!
Here are the related links fan-boy’s and girl’s!:-
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